Please complete one form for each participant
I/We hereby authorize the camp nurse or camp director to administer al medication brought by participant. If a medical emergency should arise while the above listed camper is in attendance at Camp Fern, I/we hereby authorize the camp nurse or camp director to provide to the camper and/or transport the camper to a medical facility. I/We further authorize the health care provider of the medical facility to administer necessary and/or surgical care upon arrival at the medical facility. I/We understand that camp officials will make a conscienctous effort to locate the parent/guardian or the emergency contact listed on this document before any action will be taken. If it is not possible to locate the emergency contact listed, I/we will accept the expense of emergency medical and/or surgical treatment.
I/We give my/our authority and consent for Camp Fern or camp nurse to treat my child for minor injuries and illness with the appropriate non-prescription medication.
WHEREAS, THE UNDERSIGNED ("the PARTICIPANT") wishes to be accepted for participation in all activities conducted by CAMP FERN LLC.
In consideration of, and for the right to participate in such an activity by CAMP FERN LLC, it's Directors, Officers, Trustees, Employees, Agents, and/or Associates. I/We have and do hereby assume all of the risks and any other ordinay incidental to the natire of the activity. Further, I/we will hold them harmless from any and all liability, action, causes of action, debts, claims, and demands of every kind and nature whatsoever, whether bodily injury, property damage or loss, medical bills, hospital bills, and doctor bills, or otherwise, which the participant now has or which may arise from or in connection with participation in any other activities arranged for me by CAMP FERN LLC, it's Directors, Officers, Trustees, Employees, Agents, and/or Associates, and their heirs, executors, and administrators, successors, and assigns and for all members of my family, including any minors accompanying me. I/we fully understand that my physical activity involves risk of injury. I/We also understand that my participant in any activity is entirely VOLUNTARY. I/We enter into this activity and take full responsibility for the decision to participate or not to participate and agree to following all safety instructions.
I/We are aware of the fact that the photos of my child or of myself may be taken during the week by camp staff, which may appear in future camp publicity. By signing this, I/we give permissions to use these photos, aware of the fact that my child or myself WILL NOT be identified by name in any such photos.
An invoice will be sent to you after you register. The first camper from each family is $100 and each additional camper is $50. For Mother's Morning Out, there is no charge for your child's attendance. Please select the "pay $0 now, please send invoice option," and we will send you an invoice for the total amount for the camper(s) registered for your family.